Please find below some information about the more common problems I see regularly. If you have any questions please get in touch here.


I see a variety of conditions causing pain and functional problems affecting the shoulder including rotator cuff (tears, tendinopathy, calcific tendinopathy), frozen shoulder and osteoarthritis. In addition to rehabilitation I use diagnostic Ultrasound in clinic and can perform US guided injections.


I see many different knee problems in both the sporting and non-athletic population including tendinopathy, osteoarthritis, patello-femoral pain, meniscal tears and ligament injuries. I guide rehabilitation and use non-surgical treatments including injections such as PRP & Hyaluronic Acid

Hip & Groin

There are many causes of hip and groin pain which can be a challenging area to diagnose accurately and treat effectively. I see patients with both acute and chronic hip and groin pain and work alongside physiotherapy & surgical colleagues when necessary to support recovery.



Is the most common cause of joint pain in the UK, usually affecting the knee, hip and hand. There are many non-surgical treatment options to manage pain and improve function. If indicated I can perform injections including steroid, hyaluronic acid and PRP.

Tendon pain

I have a particular interest in treating patients with lower limb tendinopathy who have not improved despite rehabilitation. I commonly see patients with gluteal, hamstring, patella & Achilles tendinopathy and plantar fasciitis. I can perform diagnostic US in clinic for these conditions.

Spinal pain

Back and neck pain is the most common musculoskeletal problem in the UK. Mostly it can be well managed with the correct advice and education. In a small number of cases further tests such as an MRI scan are required. I often see patients with Sacroiliac joint pain, which can be mistaken for spinal pain.

Sports related Concussion

I have a particular interest in Sports related Concussion, seeing sportspersons following acute concussive events and guiding them on a rehabilitation programme and return to sport. I also see patients with persistent concussive symptoms. I have developed expertise in this area through my work with various sports and at the UK Sports Institute, where I sit on the Brain Health strategy group.

Exercise health problems

I regularly see athletes affected by fatigue, underperformance, gastrointestinal and respiratory conditions related to exercise - including exercise induced asthma, nutritional & bone health problems including RED-S.

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Acute Sports Injury

I offer rapid access to accurate diagnosis, imaging and treatment plans for all sports and non-sporting musculoskeletal injuries. Most commonly I see those affecting the shoulder, knee and ankle.